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AAPM / RSNA Imaging Physics Residency Grant

The purpose of the AAPM funding is to provide 50% support of a resident's salary for two imaging physics residency programs for two years. The awardee institution(s) will provide the other 50% support. After the period of the award is over, the intent is that the awardee institution(s) will continue to fully support this new imaging physics residency position. Demonstration of this intent should be included in the application materials. This funding support will begin in July 2026.

AAPM and RSNA provide matched funding to support these grants. Two programs are selected. Each institution receives $35,000 for two years as matching support for one resident.

Sponsored by the AAPM Education Council through the AAPM Education & Research Fund.
A list of Award Recipients can be found here.

Applicant Eligibility

  • CAMPEP accreditation is expected within the first year of the funding period, if a program is not currently accredited.
  • Open to new imaging residency programs or existing residency programs looking to add a new residency slot.
  • A new program refers to one that has submitted its application for CAMPEP accreditation between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024.

To Apply

Award Duration: July 1, 2026 - July 1, 2028
Application Deadline: 
Recipients notified by: May 30, 2025

Program Contact: Karen MacFarland

Opens October 1, 2024